Work-Life Balance

If you are worn out from work and don’t feel like pursuing your hobby, then you are severely deficient in Vitamin “ME”. You are experiencing the “Balance Syndrome” and the symptoms are very obvious – you are checking emails after work; taking calls beyond business hours; stretching yourself for 11-12 hours to meet your targets; stressed out most of the times; there’s no time to play sports; weekends are spent sleeping; there’s less productive time with children and most of all your self-care is almost nil.

Workplace responsibilities have become extremely aggressive these days and require the millennial to be up on their toes at all times. This makes achieving work-life balance onerous thereby intensifying stress. Lifestyle balance is a necessity to keep fit and healthy mentally, physically, psychologically and emotionally.

Now the question is how to strike the right chord between work and self-happiness?

The answer and real plan of action lies within you. Assess your situation and take some break to sit back and reflect what you are missing in life. Then make arrangements of introducing your favourite activity; incorporating it as a routine and then introducing the next activity. Getting a buddy to help you and introducing self-care are other factors of work-life balance.

Get breaks by prioritising your works; discarding low-impact task; breaking into smaller tasks; stopping to multi-task; flagging emails; making checklist of pending assignments and setting timestamp of completion. Practicing these habits will help you get a work life balance quickly. You will find yourself happier and much more satisfied with your job than before.


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